Head of the Church
Jesus is the head of the Church and He is the head of this ministry. He is the one we follow and look to for direction and guidance. Jesus sits in His proper place at the head of this ministry, building it to His Father’s desire.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)
“And He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminnt.” (Colossians 1:18)
Vision Team
Evan & Adair Stone
Lead Pastor & Worship Director
Angelina Misyukovets
Leader of apostolic ministry
Klarysa Kamentz
Keenan Snider
Leader of prophetic ministry
Alan Fastovich
Ruach HOP Director
Matt Mansell
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